Seren Smith

Picture of self

About Me

Hello! I'm Seren, and I'm a senior at Smith College in Northampton, Massachussetts. I'm majoring in Statistical and Data Sciences, and have partcipiated in two NSF-funded opportunities. I love exploring the data applications for social good, and specialize in data visualization and deep learning systems.

Undergraduate Coursework

Throughout my time with Smith College, I have taken the following data science, computer science, and mathematics courses. This fall I will be participating in my senior Capstone, as well as a research seminar in Political Networks.


My resume is available here. I have a background in data science with a focus in deep learning and automated learning. My Github is linked here.

In the Spring of 2021, I was a data scientist with the NSF-funded DSC-WAV program. The goal of this project was to build an accessible, interactive tool visualizing public health data in Springfield, MA. Our dashboard allows for users to explore a number of health indicators within different areas of Springfield.

This summer, I'm partnered with the Spatiotemporal Innovation Center at George Mason University as a Research Undergraduate Experience (REU) Fellow. I'm currently working on the "PM 2.5 retrieval and spatiotemporal downscaling using earth observation data" and "Spatiotemporal Open-Source workflow with COVID-19 as an example" projects. Research is still ongoing, and this section will be updated accordingly.


I'm currently the President of the oldest social organization on campus, where I have help maintain a library and organize a small, yearly anthology publication on campus. In addition, I have served as the Community Service Representative, Sustainability Representative, and 2022 Class Year Representative for my dormitory on campus.

I have the most experience with Python, R, Java, SQL, and HTML/CSS, though I also have working experience in OCaml, C, and Julia.

I specialize in leading, both in my clubs and home life, and have experience coordinating events as a part of a team. I work to be a team player, and make sure every voice is heard in group projects. I speak fluent English, can fluently read in Latin, and am teaching myself Spanish during the pandemic. My hobbies include creative writing; I'm a novice fiction writer and playwrite. I've also participated in various student films on campus, and have experience in theatre.

Contact Me

You can find a link to my Github here.

You can email me at or

My LinkedIn can be found here.